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Drug Science launched Europe’s first and biggest national medical cannabis registry, called Project TWENTY21, in November 2019. Drug Science is the United Kingdom’s only completely independent, science-led drugs charity,


Project TWENTY21 aims to enroll 20,000 patients by the end of 2021, creating the largest body of evidence for the effectiveness and tolerability of medical cannabis – with the goal to demonstrate to policymakers that medical cannabis should be as widely available, and affordable, as other approved medicines for patients who would benefit from them.


TWENTY21 is a registry, not a clinical trial.


It will also support prescribers across the country to feel confident in providing medical cannabis to patients. Drug Science hopes that the findings will make a powerful case for National Health Service funding, by proving the favourable risk/benefit ratio of medical cannabis in six key identified conditions. In the first instance, this real-world registry is inviting patients resident in the UK to enroll. They must have:


1. A confirmed diagnosis of one or more of the following indications:

  • Anxiety Disorder

  • Chronic Pain

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Substance Use Disorder (as a harm reduction strategy)

  • Tourette’s Syndrome.


2. A history of two licensed medications, both of which must have been prescribed and proven ineffective at managing the patients’ condition. This information must be documented in a medical summary or a referral letter from their GP practice.


Learn more about Drug Science and Project TWENTY21 here.


JMCC Group was the only company to be specifically invited by Drug Science to participate in Project TWENTY21. We were honoured to accept this invitation and will serve as the exclusive supplier of medical-cannabis based treatments from the Caribbean region.


JMCC, through its Scientific division, will provide our innovative, liquid cannabis treatments for chronic pain and epilepsy to Project TWENTY21-enrolled patients by early 2021. We expect to add our formulations to treat MS (spasticity) and anxiety disorder in Q2 2021.


We’re also developing unique tools and resources for medical professionals and patients participating in Project TWENTY21. Check back here over the coming weeks to learn more.


Obviously, at JMCC, we believe in the “power of the plant”, in the already considerable amount of scientific evidence attesting to its safety and efficacy, and in the goals of Drug Science’s Project TWENTY21. So much so that we’re putting financial and other resources on the line to prove it.

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